Negotiation and solicitation of service contracts
Overseeing all services
Review of property conditions
Provide a preventative maintenance program
Hire and supervise on-site personnel or subcontractors
Obtain bids and purchase supplies required
Assist the Association in review of insurance coverage
Establish and maintain a billing and collection system
Establish and maintain a resale/rental screening system
Establish and maintain a violation notification system
Respond promptly to all requests for service or emergencies
Maintain 24-Hour emergency service
Provide suggestions and recommendations to the Board
Assist the Board in the resolution of unit owner disputes
Guidance to the Board of Directors in communication of Rules and Regulations
Regulations and Rules enforcement
Preparation of Annual and Budget meeting notices and forms required
Preparation of Monthly Management Reports
Attendance at Monthly and Annual meetings of the Board and Members
Preparation of minutes of each Board and Special Meetings
Provide mailing labels and owner listings to the Association
Prepare correspondence, as required, providing copy to the Board
Be completely knowledgeable concerning Florida Statutes pertaining to Associations as well as the Association's documents
Maintain up-to-date owner listing with address and other information
Maintain up-to-date owner listing of lessees and expiration dates
Assist the Board or Screening Committee in new owner and tenant approval